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NBM signed a Memorandum for training specialists in the financial and banking field


The National Bank of Moldova (NBM), the National Commission for Financial Markets (NCFM), the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, and the Centre for Excellence in Economics and Finance signed a Memorandum of Understanding for training specialists in the financial and banking field.

The document provides the training of over 300 people, starting with the year of study 2018-2019. The courses will be free of charge and the beneficiaries will be able to increase their professional competencies, to study the new prudential regulation on Basel III standards implementation, the insurance field and entrepreneurship basis. The beneficiaries will be employees of the banking and non-banking sector, young graduates from educational institutions with economic profile and managers of start-up companies.

Within the project, the National Bank will delegate trainers to train specialists and will provide information on training needs in the banking sector.

"NBM supports the initiative and is pleased to join this partnership, in order to be closer to the market needs, to be in line with the sector development. Furthermore, not only the banking sector, but most of the fields are developing so fast that the previously made studies are not enough and education continues to be very important. We highly appreciate the generous contribution of the partners designed to enhance the professional capacity of the banking sector in the Republic of Moldova", says the Deputy Governor of the NBM, Cristina Harea, who signed the agreement on behalf of the National Bank.

The project " Practical continuous training centre for finance specialists in the Republic of Moldova" will be implemented by the CALLIDUS Moldova Representation, with the financial support of the Austrian Development Agency in the Republic of Moldova and of a private financial company.