Accessibility options

  • Schedule of reception of citizens by the Executive Board of the National Bank of Moldova.
    The registration of applicants for an audience is carried out based on a written request on the subject addressed.

  • Anca Dragu, Governor

    1st Wednesday of the month: 14.00-16.00;
    Telephone: +373 22 822 606.

  • Vladimir Munteanu, First Deputy Governor

    2nd Wednesday of the month: 14.00-16.00;
    Telephone: +373 22 822 606.

  • Tatiana Ivanicichina, Deputy Governor

    3rd Wednesday of the month: 14.00-16.00;
    Telephone: +373 22 822 607.

  • Constantin Șchendra, Deputy Governor

    4th Wednesday of the month: 14.00-16.00;
    Telephone: +373 22 822 607.

Please, note the requirements for receiving and examining petitions and requests for access to information of public interest addressed to the National Bank of Moldova!



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Information on submitting requests for communication of information of public interest and petitions


Please get acquainted with the information on exercising the right to petition by submitting a petition and the right of access to information of public interest by submitting a request for disclosure of information of public interest to the National Bank of Moldova (hereinafter - NBM).

1. Request for disclosure of information of public interest

In order to submit a request for information of public interest, please use the following standard form.

The application shall contain the following mandatory elements:

  • the surname and forenames or name of the applicant;
  • the postal address of the applicant, as well as the e-mail address if a reply is requested by e-mail;
  • name of the information provider - National Bank of Moldova;
  • specification of the information of public interest requested, with sufficient and conclusive details to allow its identification by the NBM;
  • the applicant shall indicate the preferred way of communicating the information: in electronic form; by post on paper; examination in original at the premises of the information provider; oral presentation for oral requests.

The applicant shall not be obliged to provide reasons or justification for his request.

Handwritten or electronic signature of the request is not mandatory.

For requests submitted in electronic form it is not necessary to meet the legal requirements established for electronic documents.

The request shall be submitted to the information provider and may be:

  • submitted in electronic form,
  • submitted in writing or sent by post,
  • addressed verbally (directly or by telephone).

Upon receipt of the request, the NBM shall examine whether the request meets the requirements and if the request does not contain one of the mandatory elements listed above, the request shall not be examined. If the requested information is not specified in the request or if, from the content of the request, it is not possible to identify the requested information, the applicant shall be informed of the deficiency and given at least 5 working days to remove it. If the applicant does not remove the deficiencies within the time limit, the request shall not be examined of which the applicant shall be informed.

In case the applicant submits several requests to the NBM, the NBM may link them together and provide the applicant with a single response, which will refer to all the requests submitted.

Information of public interest shall be communicated to the applicant no later than 10 days from the date of registration of the request.

The deadline may be extended by up to 7 days if the request is complex or if a large amount of information is requested which requires additional time for processing. The extension shall take effect only if the applicant is informed thereof in writing, within the 10-day period and stating the reasons for the extension.

Oral requests shall be dealt with immediately, on the day of submission, if the requested information is available for immediate communication. In case the requested information is not available for immediate communication or is of limited accessibility, the applicant is directed to submit a request in electronic or written form, which shall be examined and resolved within the general deadlines.

The requests may be rejected in whole or in part, and the communication of information of public interest may also be refused in whole or in part, in accordance with the law.

În cazul în care volumul informației eliberate sau expediate pe suport hârtie depășește 20 de pagini, BNM are dreptul să solicite o plată de 0,02 unități convenționale pentru fiecare pagină adițională. O unitate convențională constituie 50 de lei.

Any person claiming the right of access to information of public interest may challenge in court any action or inaction of the NBM, as an information provider, which violates the provisions of Law No 148/2023. The challenge of the actions or inactions of information providers shall be carried out by filing an action in administrative proceedings, which shall be submitted and examined in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Code, without following the prior procedure.

For more information on how to submit and examine requests for disclosure of information of public interest, please consult the Law on Access to Information of Public Interest.

2. A petition, as defined by the Administrative Code, is any request, referral or proposal addressed to the National Bank of Moldova by a natural or legal person.

The NBM shall provide petitioners with standard petition forms in its field of competence. The official website of the NBM ( is an additional way of addressing petitions.

If you wish to submit a petition, the NBM recommends that you use the  standard petition form.

If you consider that the NBM has not solved your petition within the time limits regulated by the Administrative Code or if you consider that certain rights have been violated by issuing or rejecting the issuance of an administrative act, you are entitled to submit a preliminary request using the provided standard form.

The completed petition form can be:

  • submitted electronically to, or
  • by going to Online Petition HERE, in case you have an electronic signature, or
  • sent by post on paper to 1 Grigore Vieru Avenue, MD-2005, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, or
  • submitted personally on paper at the NBM headquarters: 1 Grigore Vieru Avenue, MD-2005, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.

In order to be subject to examination and settlement by the NBM, the written petition shall contain the following elements:

  • the surname and forenames or name of the petitioner;
  • the postal address or registered office of the petitioner and the e-mail address if a reply is requested by e-mail;
  • the name of the addressee - the National Bank of Moldova;
  • the subject of the petition and the grounds for it;
  • signature of the petitioner or of his/her legal representative or proxy, and in case of a petition submitted in electronic form - electronic signature.

The petition shall be accompanied, where appropriate, by the confirmatory document of the legal representative or the power of attorney of the authorised representative, documents or evidence provided for by the legal regulations in force or considered useful by the petitioner to support the petition.

The petition may also be submitted orally, within the framework of the audience with the public programme of the Board of the NBM and recorded in a minutes.

Upon receipt of the petition, the NBM shall examine whether the petition meets the requirements listed above and, if it finds any deficiencies, it shall request their removal within a reasonable term. If the deficiencies are not removed within the deadline, the petition shall not be examined.

The NBM shall register and resolve the petition received in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Moldova in force.

If the petition falls within the competence of another public authority, the NBM shall return the original petition to the competent public authority within 5 working days from the date of registration of the petition and shall inform the petitioner thereof.

In case a petitioner submits several petitions to the NBM with the same subject matter, they shall be linked, and the petitioner shall receive a single reply which shall refer to all the petitions submitted. If, after the reply has been sent, a new petition is submitted by the same petitioner with the same subject matter, it shall not be examined and shall be attached to the original file.

Anonymous petitions or those submitted without indicating a postal or e-mail address shall not be considered. The NBM has the right not to examine in substance petitions containing uncensored, offensive language or threats to national security, public order, life, and health of the official and his/her family members.

The petition shall be examined within the deadlines provided by law.

The preliminary request shall be submitted within 30 days of the rejection of the petition or of the notification of the individual administrative act of the NBM, shall be addressed exclusively to the Executive Board of the NBM and shall be examined within 30 days.

The NBM is entitled to verify the veracity of the information provided and to request additional documents and information. When examining petitions, the confidentiality of personal data and other confidential information communicated shall be ensured.

After examination of the petition within the deadlines set by law, the petitioner shall receive a written reply to the postal address or e-mail address, depending on the option indicated in the petition.

If, after sending the reply to the petition, a new petition is submitted by the same petitioner with the same subject, it shall not be examined and shall be attached to the original file.

For more information on how to submit and examine petitions, please consult:


N.B. The conditions, manner and specifics of submission, registration, examination, settlement of applications for issuance of licences, authorisations, permissions, approvals and other permissive acts of the NBM, as well as responses to such applications, including refusals to issue them, are regulated by the Law No 202/2017 on the activity of banks, the Law No 62/2008 on foreign exchange regulation, the Law No 114/2012 on payment services and electronic money, other laws and normative acts issued for their implementation.



Electronic petition

Here you can submit a petition in electronic form. The electronic petition must be in PDF format with the qualified electronic signature applied (for this purpose you can use the web page of the Government Signature Service)

Point to the PDF file:

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