Accessibility options

  • Schedule of reception of citizens by the Executive Board of the National Bank of Moldova.
    The registration of applicants for an audience is carried out based on a written request on the subject addressed.

  • Anca Dragu, Governor

    1st Wednesday of the month: 14.00-16.00;
    Telephone: +373 22 822 606.

  • Vladimir Munteanu, First Deputy Governor

    2nd Wednesday of the month: 14.00-16.00;
    Telephone: +373 22 822 606.

  • Tatiana Ivanicichina, Deputy Governor

    3rd Wednesday of the month: 14.00-16.00;
    Telephone: +373 22 822 607.

  • Constantin Șchendra, Deputy Governor

    4th Wednesday of the month: 14.00-16.00;
    Telephone: +373 22 822 607.

Please, note the requirements for receiving and examining petitions and requests for access to information of public interest addressed to the National Bank of Moldova!



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Decizia a fost luată ca rezultat al controlului tematic pe teren asupra activității emitentului de monedă electronică, efectuat la prestator, ținând cont de gravitatea încălcărilor comise și de caracterul repetat al acestora.

Официальные резервные активы на 31 июля 2018 года исчислялись на уровне 2,970.41 млн. долларов США, на 70.64 млн. долларов США больше по сравнению с 29 июня 2018, когда они составляли 2,899.77 млн. долларов США.

La 31 iulie 2018, activele oficiale de rezervă au constituit 2,970.41 mil. dolari SUA, în creștere cu 70.64 mil. dolari SUA în comparație cu 29 iunie 2018, când acestea au însumat 2,899.77 mil. dolari SUA.

Во втором квартале 2018 года общий объём банковских переводов денежных средств из-за границы физическим лицам Республики Молдова составил 342.59 млн. долл. США.

In the second quarter of 2018, the total amount of money transfers from abroad made in favour of individuals of the Republic of Moldova amounted to USD 342.59 million.
