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    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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Extinde Ascunde

500 lei face value banknote

December 1999 issue


  • Dimensions: 66 x 133 mm;
  • Predominant colours, the front and the reverse side: light green, orange and grey;
  • Printed on a special paper, which has incorporated in its structure a watermark depicting the portrait of Ştefan cel Mare and a metallic security thread.

The front side of the banknote:

The Coat of Arms of the Republic of Moldova, the name of the issuing bank "BANCA NAŢIONALĂ A MOLDOVEI", the inscription "REPUBLICA MOLDOVA", the portrait of Ştefan cel Mare, a national multicolour ornament, three vertical decorative elements, the central rosette, the nominal value written in figures and words, the abbreviation "BNM", the facsimile " GUVERNATOR, L. Talmaci", the circle wording "PE-UN PICIOR DE PLAI, PE-O GURĂ DE RAI...", Victory Token - "V", the year of banknote issuance "1992", the banknote number and series, the inscription "FALSIFICAREA ACESTOR BILETE SE PEDEPSEŞTE CONFORM LEGILOR".

The reverse side of the banknote:

The graphic image of Chisinau Cathedral within a rectangular frame and under it the inscription "Chişinău. Catedrala", the nominal value written in figures and words, three vertical decorative elements, the Coat of Arms of Ştefan cel Mare, the stylised images of the Column of Traian, the Column of Infinity and between them a crescent moon, the name of the issuing bank "BANCA NAŢIONALĂ A MOLDOVEI", the abbreviation "BNM".

 Security features:

  • A dark outlining watermark, depicting the portrait of Ştefan cel Mare directed towards the centre, visible if seen against light;
  • The metallic security thread incorporated between the portrait of Ştefan cel Mare and the central rosette, visible if seen against light;
  • See-through feature: when the banknote is held against light the outline of the pattern of the sun on the front side and of the crescent moon on the reverse side as well as the circle of the sun and the circle within which the crescent moon is depicted must correspond perfectly. The letter "V" on the front side and the Column of Traian and the Infinite Column depicted on the reverse side combined together create a letter " M" (Moldova).


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