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The National Bank of Moldova puts into circulation new commemorative and jubilee coins


The National Bank of Moldova (NBM) puts into circulation, starting with 27 March 2018, ten commemorative and jubilee coins, the 2017 edition, in the following series: "Personalities", "Famous Women", "The Alley of Classics in the Chisinau’s Stephen the Great Central Park”, “Red Book of the Republic of Moldova"," Historical Events" and " Science and Innovation". The coins are minted in silver and gold.

The premiere "Science and Innovation" series opens up with a commemorative silver coin dedicated to a centenary since birth of Vladimir Andrunachievici- an illustrious mathematician, one of the founders of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the founder of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science.

The "Personalities" series has been completed with a jubilee coin dedicated to a great composer Eugen Doga on the occasion of his 80th anniversary and a commemorative coin dedicated to 80 years since birth of Ion Vatamanu – a poet, journalist and politician, a doctor of chemistry, deputy of the first Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. Both coins are minted in silver.

Another silver coin complements the "Famous Women" series, to commemorate 70 years since birth of a famous folk music singer, Maria Dragan.

The "The Alley of Classics in the Chisinau’s Stephen the Great Central Park" series was extended by two coins, in gold and silver, issued on the occasion of 200 years since birth of Mihail Kogalniceanu – a lawyer, historian and journalist. Two other coins, also in gold and silver, have been issued to mark a centenary since passing away of Alexei Mateevici.

For the first time a collection of commemorative and jubilee coins includes a colourful coin. A silver coin with the image of "Maiden Pink", a species of herbaceous plant, will extend the "Red Book of the Republic of Moldova" series.

The 2017 edition also includes a silver coin celebrating the centenary since the establishment of the National Council of Moldova (Sfatul Tarii), the Bessarabia’s legislative body. The coin is part of the "Historical Events" series.

The same series was completed by two commemorative coins, 2018 edition, minted in silver and gold, dedicated to the centenary of the Union of Bessarabia with Romania of 27 March 1918.

The coins’ selling price is to be set by licensed banks individually, up to three percent over the price set by the NBM.

To view the list of commemorative and jubilee coins, please access the following link: 

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