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  • Anca Dragu, guvernator

    Prima zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 606.

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    A doua zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 606.

  • Tatiana Ivanicichina, viceguvernator

    A treia zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

  • Constantin Șchendra, viceguvernator

    A patra zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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Extinde Ascunde

The National Bank of Moldova lifted the intensive supervision regime for BC "VICTORIABANK" S.A.


On 22 August 2018, the Executive Board of the National Bank of Moldova (NBM) lifted the intensive supervision regime for the BC "VICTORIABANK S.A.

The decision was taken after it was found that the bank is able to ensure transparency of its shareholders, following the acquisition of 72.19 percent of the bank’s share capital by the VB Investment Holding B.V., a company owned by Banca Transilvania from Romania, in partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). At the same time, a new Board of BC "VICTORIABANK S.A. was elected and started its activity on 9 August 2018. In addition, the bank managed to reduce the balance of non-performing loans during 2017-2018 and undertook remedial actions prescribed by the NBM.

BC "VICTORIABANK S.A. was placed under special supervision regime on 11 June 2015, as a result of a series of irregularities identified in its operation by the NBM. Subsequently, a special supervision regime was replaced by an intensive supervision regime (4 October 2016), following a series of legislative amendments implemented.

On 16 January 2018 and 26 April 2018, the bank’s shares of 39.2 percent and 5.42 percent were sold at auctions conducted on the regulated market of the Moldovan Stock Exchange. Therefore, the Banca Transilvania, the first largest banking group in Romania, became the Victoriabank’s investor in partnership with the EBRD. Presently, Banca Transilvania and the EBRD jointly hold a share of 72.19 percent in the share capital of the BC "VICTORIABANK S.A. 

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