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Hundreds of Pupils and Students Participated in the Event "Road of Money"


In the period 4 – 8 November, over 600 pupils and students participated in the financial education event “Road of money”, organized on the occasion of the World Savings Day.

The visits started at the National Bank of Moldova (NBM), which has the exclusive role of issuing banknotes and coins as means of payment on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and continued at the licensed banks – institutions that intermediate financial flows in the economy.

At the NBM, visitors had the opportunity to see the collection of commemorative and jubilee coins issued by the NBM and other central banks, as well as a gold ingot. Moreover, the visitors got acquainted with the security features of Moldovan banknotes by using a special device. Then, the participants attended a financial education lesson and learned about the national financial system, the main concepts and existing products, the role of supervisory institutions, but also about the risks associated with this area. Pupils of higher classes had the opportunity to test their financial knowledge in an interactive game, while the most agile received sets of coins.

During the visits at the licensed banks, children and the youth learnt what is a bank, how does it work, and what are the most used financial products. 

The Governor of the NBM, Octavian Armasu, welcomed the synergistic institutional involvement in the financial education process: “It offers multidimensional advantages for building the capacity to create a personal and a saving budget, but also the prospect of developing the entrepreneurial and investment competences, for an efficient financial inclusion”.

Also, the economist Dumitru Pintea of the Analytical Independent Centre “Expert-Grup” underlined that: “A better financial education of the population is, on one hand, an individual gain for every family, and a collective one for the development of the transmission channels of the monetary policy, on the other hand”.

The event “Road to money” was organized by the National Bank of Moldova and the Analytical Independent Centre „Expert-Grup”, within the common project „Learn! Give Sense to Money!”, launched this spring. 


Photos of the event: National Bank's official profile in Facebook 

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