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  • Programul primirii în audiență a cetățenilor de către conducerea Băncii Naționale a Moldovei.
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  • Anca Dragu, guvernator

    Prima zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 606.

  • Vladimir Munteanu, prim-viceguvernator

    A doua zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 606.

  • Tatiana Ivanicichina, viceguvernator

    A treia zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

  • Constantin Șchendra, viceguvernator

    A patra zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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Financial education camp at the first edition in the Republic of Moldova


More than 300 pupils and young people are enrolled in the first financial education camp in the Republic of Moldova, which began today within the project "Give sense to money", carried out by the National Bank of Moldova in partnership with the Independent Analytical Centre "Expert-Grup".

In the opening of the event, the NBM Governor, Octavian Armașu, mentioned that financial education is an important concern for the National Bank. "Today, the new reality that the whole of humanity is passing through imposes a new vision on financial education, based on a digital approach, but which, as before, should come from the heart and with the willingness to support the public in the financial and banking world."

The financial education camp includes five sessions that will take place every day during this week on various topics in the financial and banking field. Thus, participants will learn or deepen their knowledge about what is the national financial system, the most frequently used financial concepts, savings and investments, lending instruments and much more.

Those discussed in the first financial education camp will also help them to better understand the information about the legislative and institutional framework related to the financial system and to use their theoretical knowledge more efficiently in practical situations.

The financial education camp is part of the campaign launched this summer by the National Bank of Moldova "Spend the holiday with the NBM", which will end on 30 August 2020.

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