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    Telefon: +373 22 822 606.

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    Telefon: +373 22 822 606.

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    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

  • Constantin Șchendra, viceguvernator

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    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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VIDEO// NBM launches an information and public awareness campaign on the financial and banking issues



The National Bank of Moldova (NBM) launches the information and awareness campaign entitled “Financial education - a personal, social and economic benefit”, announced today, within the framework of the closing event of the Global Money Week. 

Thus, the central bank proposes to the public a series of videographics, podcasts and video guides elaborated within the GGF project: "Support the National Bank in advancing financial literacy and financial inclusion in Moldova”. They present in a concise and accessible way financial concepts and useful advice for everyday life, increasingly connected with the rapid development of financial products and services.

"Smart financial planning - such as budget planning, saving for emergencies and preparing for retirement - can help people enjoy a better life and get over certain crises more easily," the NBM Governor, Octavian Armașu, said at the opening of the event.

The official stressed that, at the country level, it is important to act strategically and systemically to provide financial education to people at all stages of life. In this context, the head of the central bank called on the authorities, institutions, organizations to unite their efforts and consider financial education as one of the country's socio-economic priorities.

In the same vein, Chris Perkins, Head of programmes at the British Embassy Chisinau, mentioned "financial literacy and financial inclusion along with a robust consumer protection system are vital for the empowerment of citizens and the overall stability of the country's financial system."

"Financial education involves the correct information with reference to various concepts and financial instruments, savings and investments, thus ensuring the optimal ratio between income and expenditure. An adequate financial decision at individual level contributes to maintaining the financial balance in the entire society ", said Liubomir Chiriac, Executive director of IDIS Viitorul - the institution that implemented the project.

Multimedia products are addressed to all members of the society and are on various topics in the financial and banking field. These can be viewed on the NBM's communication channels, including the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLpDfxKzSqgMiqyH-y6l9Hg

The campaign "Financial education - a personal, social and economic benefit" will last one year.

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