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Public lessons on "Give sense to money" with financial education ambassadors


Pupils and students from six districts and municipalities of the Republic of Moldova will learn in the coming days how to make sense of money, in online public lessons given by eight ambassadors of financial education. They were selected following a public competition and trained in the project "Give sense to money", carried out by the National Bank of Moldova (NBM) and the Independent Analytical Center "Expert-Grup".

Eight people are from Cahul, Chisinau, Cimișlia, Falesti, Hincesti and Rezina and will tell current or former high school or college colleagues about the financial system, inflation, loans, cashless payments and also other useful topics in daily life.

The first lesson will take place today, 23 March 2021, at the Center of Excellence in Energy and Electronics in Chisinau and will be given by Victor Grigoraș, a student of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM)It is important that since we use certain financial instruments, we know why we do it and how to do it correctly, so that they serve as support points on our way to a materially and emotionally secure life”.

Two other ASEM students, Teodora Dolghieru and Ioan Negoița, joined forces to talk to younger colleagues about financial education. „It doesn't matter how much money you have, if you can't manage it correctly, they will always be insufficient", considers Teodora. For his part, Ioan states that the current context requires an understanding of the most important financial concepts. „Some of us are students, mathematicians, some build buildings, others equip them, doctors treat us. We have different specializations, but we all have something in common - we are managers of our own budget, and when you make a wise decision on an individual level, you are actually participating in the financial balance of the society you belong to”, claims Ioan.

"Financial education is not just about money, it's about the ability to understand how money works", mentions Arina Carauș, student of the Theoretical High School "Mihai Eminescu" from Cimișlia.

Ana Samohvalov, a student at the "Alexandru cel Bun" high school in Rezina, also considers that financial education is very important: „Each person must have the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to make the right decisions for personal well-being”.

Valentina Butmalai, who is a student at the State University „B.P. Hasdeu ”from Cahul, states that it was decided to promote financial education in order to contribute to the development of the country „Being young and loving my country, I consider it very important to promote financial education, because it is an impetus for the development of the whole society…

In her turn, Măriuța Nistor, a student at the “Mihai Eminescu” Theoretical High School in Hîncești, is convinced that “money can make you happy, only if you manage it correctly”.

This week's series of lessons will be concluded by Daniel Madan, who is a student at ASEM, but will organize training for his former colleagues from the Theoretical High School "Mihai Eminescu" from Falesti. "In 2018, I started my studies at ASEM, consciously choosing to stay in the country to contribute to its development and prosperity. The position of ambassador of financial education is a first step in this long journey I have chosen. Each of us is a link in the financial system that changes our lives every day, but the direction of change is dictated by the financial culture that each of us has. Respectively, through my lessons I want to lay the foundation of a financial education capable of giving security to everyone, but also to stimulate the desire for information", says Daniel.

At the end, the ambassadors of financial education will receive diplomas from the NBM and Expert-Grup for their contribution in promoting financial education.

The financial education project "Give sense to money" was launched in March 2019, in order to increase the level of understanding of the main concepts and financial products among young people, so that, faced with situations with financial impact, they take correct decisions regarding the management of one's own income.

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