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    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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NBM launched a series of financial education podcasts in support of citizens


The National Bank of Moldova (NBM) continues with a series of podcasts the information and awareness campaign “Financial education - a personal, social and economic benefit”.

They are aimed at all members of society - consumers, the business community and simply those interested in financial literacy who want to better orient themselves in today's financial world.

Podcasts explain to the public how the financial market in the Republic of Moldova works, what are the monetary policy instruments of the NBM or why a central bank should be independent. Likewise, podcasts provide answers to the questions: which is more advantageous - the mortgage or the rent; how to get money for a successful business; what are the advantages and risks of a bank loan. At the same time, detailed information is provided on non-cash payments - innovations and perspective and solutions for managing savings.

Eight podcasts signed by the journalist Vitalie Condrațchi were developed as part of the project "Supporting the NBM in advancing the level of financial education and inclusion in the Republic of Moldova" carried out with the support of the Good Governance Fund of the British Government and funded by UK AID. The project also included the elaboration of ten videographics and two video guides on financial and banking subjects. 

Podcast list:

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