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    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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Video// NBM is launching a financial education project for many generations


The "Generation I" financial education project will be launched in the Republic of Moldova, during an international event planned by the National Bank of Moldova for 2 November 2021. The event will take place in an online format, under the slogan: "Financial education - a personal, social and economic benefit” and it will aim at encouraging individual financial responsibility, providing the general public with educational resources.

The project has been successfully established in Romania, being initiated and promoted by the CFA Society Romania for all those, who want to create a long-term vision in achieving their financial independence.

"Time teaches us that we must be open to change and make decisions to move forward. Life is full of challenges and the financial one puts us in front of the need to be informed, to know more in order to hold our fate in our hands and to be financially independent. Regardless of our professional activity, we embrace the usefulness and innovation we constantly see in the financial world. It is a path to financial independence, which is so necessary for a secure future”, says the Governor of the National Bank of Moldova, Mr. Octavian Armașu.

"We have launched the campaign 'Generation I' - the independent generation, starting from the idea that those of us not taking measures to save and invest during their active lifetime are at risk to depend on the money from the state - the public pension system, or to become a burden for their children in old age. The concept of "Generation I", or the independent generation, was born precisely from the fact that financial education is very low, but there are people, who want to achieve financial independence. We consider that financial independence can be educated and is one of the pillars of a healthy society and a fulfilling life ", says Ms. Alexandra Smedoiu, President of CFA Society Romania.

During the planned meeting, a partnership agreement between the National Bank of Moldova and CFA Society Romania will be concluded for the implementation of the project. The event will be structured in two sessions: “Financial systems in the region. Lessons learned.” and “Development of cashless payments - trends and innovations”.

Thus, the First Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Moldova, Mr. Vladimir Munteanu, will hold a presentation on the experience of the financial system in the Republic of Moldova, while speakers from Romania, Hungary and Slovakia will refer to the practices in their countries.

As to cashless payments, this topic will be addressed to shed light on current trends in the Republic of Moldova of increasingly firm orientation towards modernization.

The event will be live streamed on the official webpages and communication profiles of the NBM and CFA Society Romania, as well as on the Privesc.eu and Rlive.md platforms.


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