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NBM will provide citizens with access to information helping them to achieve financial independence at any stage of life


A financial education project supporting people eager to find out how to provide sufficient resources to live without financial constraints, at any stage of their lives, was launched by the National Bank of Moldova (NBM) during an international event.

The “Generation I” project, intended for people of any profession and age, was successfully initiated and carried out by CFA Society Romania. Now, the project aims at being an information and assistance resource to encourage financial independence for the population of the Republic of Moldova, as well.

The collaboration in the project implementation was also confirmed by the signing of a Partnership Agreement between the National Bank of Moldova and CFA Society Romania.

"The National Bank has been fully involved, in recent years, in a process of deep reforms of the banking sector in the Republic of Moldova. These reforms have brought our fellow citizens new opportunities to interact with the financial environment, as well as modern services. All this arouses the interest of consumers to get information and to find out as much as possible about the world of finance. That is, to know, but also to help others to discover, useful things for a better quality of life ", noted the Governor of the National Bank, Octavian Armașu, during the event.

In her turn, Alexandra Smedoiu, president of CFA Society Romania, mentioned that the project had been launched in Romania, three years before, out of the need to improve the financial markets and the economy as a whole. „A better world starts with us today, with us being more educated from a financial point of view… The objective of our association is to contribute to the Romanian society, as well as to the Moldovan one, by bringing to the fore quality information, which is easy to understand and assimilate by all those interested in financial markets and not only ", pointed out Alexandra Smedoiu.

Thus, the project extended to the Republic of Moldova will contribute to the development of the society and formation of a solid financial culture.

In this regard, the NBM will encourage the correct information and responsible behavior in saving money, through financial education.

The event entitled "Financial education - a personal, social and economic benefit" brought together participants from the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary. It was organized in the context of the financial education process conducted by the National Bank of Moldova to support citizens interested in the financial subjects.

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