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Video// NBM organizes the first National Forum for Financial Education in the Republic of Moldova


Video LIVE// Forumul Național de Educație Financiară din Republica Moldova

More than 100 participants, including officials from our country and abroad, economic experts, and representatives of the banking and educational communities, will gather on Tuesday, 21 March 2023, at the first National Forum for Financial Education in the Republic of Moldova.

The event is organized by the National Bank of Moldova (BNM) to help the population acquire skills for effective management of their income and the economy to become stronger. In this sense, the meeting will start the development of the National Strategy for Financial Education.

“We want a society that knows how to manage its financial means properly and where each individual makes sensible decisions regarding their money. A strategy will systematize our actions, from authorities to citizens, aimed at leading to such a society; it will institutionalize training in the financial field, will make permanent this discussion on financial topics to help citizens to face the dilemmas related to money, and the economy to become stronger and more attractive for investment”, Octavian Armașu, stated the NBM Governor.

Thus, the forum will give insight into the importance of financial education in a strategic approach. The Agenda includes three-panel discussions to showcase successful expertise and lessons learned. In particular, they will target international financial education practices, the authorities’ role in the Republic of Moldova and that of civil society in this process.

The event will take place during International Financial Education Week (Global Money Week 2023). Until now, 176 countries have joined this initiative, the Republic of Moldova being among the first participants.

The National Forum of Financial Education can be watched live on the following platforms:

Event agenda

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