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Extinde Ascunde

The second edition of the "School of Modern Finance" programme was launched during a meeting with the Governor of the NBM, Octavian Armașu


Another 15 students and Master's students from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM) will participate in the "School of Modern Finance" after being selected in a competition. They held a meeting with the Governor Octavian Armașu at the NBM headquarters.

The event was also attended by ASEM Rector Alexandru Stratan, Vice-Rector Victoria Cociug and PhD in Economic Sciences Angela Belobrov, as well as young people from the first edition of the programme.

In his welcome speech, the NBM Governor noted that the "School of Modern Finance" is a historical project, launched in partnership with the National Bank of Romania and the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, which should be strengthened.

"This is a unique experience where students have the possibility to see how a central bank works. They have the chance to discuss directly with remarkable personalities from Romania, to hear lectures etc. It is an opportunity that will help them in their professional development", stressed Octavian Armașu.

In turn, Alexandru Stratan, mentioned the importance of continuing the programme. "In this way, students have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge horizon", said the ASEM Rector.

The second edition of the "School of Modern Finance" will take place from 9-17 September 2023. Young people have the possibility to combine study experiences in the capital of Romania with cultural-historical activities in representative cities such as Iasi, Brasov, Suceava and Sinaia. In Bucharest, the students will also meet the Governor of the National Bank of Romania, Mugur Isărescu.

Upon completion of the programme, certificates signed by the Governors of the National Bank of Moldova and the National Bank of Romania, as well as the Rectors of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova will be awarded.

The participation of Moldovan students in the “School of Modern Finance” is partially supported by the USAID Programme “Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity” (MISRA), which backs the efforts of the NBM to accelerate financial sector reforms and enhance education and financial inclusion.


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