Opțiuni de accesibilitate

  • Programul primirii în audiență a cetățenilor de către conducerea Băncii Naționale a Moldovei.
    Înscrierea solicitanților pentru audiență se efectuează în temeiul demersului în scris privind subiectul abordat.

  • Anca Dragu, guvernator

    Prima zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 606.

  • Vladimir Munteanu, prim-viceguvernator

    A doua zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 606.

  • Tatiana Ivanicichina, viceguvernator

    A treia zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

  • Constantin Șchendra, viceguvernator

    A patra zi de miercuri a lunii: 14:00-16:00.
    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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Extinde Ascunde

National Bank of Moldova's activity on the interbank market in January 2017

The activity of the National Bank of Moldova on the foreign exchange market (foreign exchange interventions) is performed in strict compliance with the monetary and foreign exchange policy objectives. The National Bank uses, as foreign exchange intervention tools, both direct operations (spot purchases or sales of foreign currency against Moldovan Lei), which influence the money supply, as well as fine-tuning operations (currency swaps), which are reversible instruments and does not influence the money supply in long term.

Operations are reflected at the transaction date. The US dollars equivalent is calculated using the average exchange rates of Moldovan Leu against the US dollar and the other foreign currency, accordingly. The information regarding the activity of the NBM on foreign exchange market is published on a monthly basis until the last day of the next reporting month. The methodology of calculating the amount of SWAP operations – daily weighted average, based on the maturity of the SWAP operation (number of days). Example: A SWAP transaction of 10 mil. USD with a term of 15 days in a 30 calendar days’ month is reflected as an amount of 5 mil. USD. The currencies are recalculated using average monthly exchange rates..


SPOT operations

USD equivalent*USD equivalentThe currencies are recalculated using average monthly exchange rates.

thousand US Dollars

    Interbank market
    PURCHASES, USD equivalent SALES, USD equivalent
1 US Dollar - -
2 Euro 47.8** -
3 Russian Ruble - -
4 Other currencies - -
  TOTAL foreign exchange market turnover 47.8 -

* The US dollars equivalent is calculated using the average exchange rates
** A purchase transactions EUR/MDL (Spot) with the banks in undergoing liquidation  (equivalent to 45.0 thousand EUR).


NBM has not performed any swap or forward operations.



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