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    Telefon: +373 22 822 606.

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    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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NBM gathered thousands of children and young people for financial education activities within Global Money Week


Over 2500 children and young people participated in financial education activities organised by the National Bank of Moldova (NBM) within Global Money Week, which took place between 18-24 March 2024. The activities were held at the central bank and at the National Museum of History of Moldova, including exhibitions of coins from ancient and present times, workshops and interactive games on the topic of finance outright.

In the Republic of Moldova, the start of this international initiative was given by the Governor of the National Bank of Moldova, Anca Dragu, with an unprecedented activity – simulation of a monetary policy meeting together with the pupils of the Aristotle Republican Theoretical Lyceum.

The Governor, Anca Dragu, was also the protagonist of an interactive game organised at the National Museum of History of Moldova, which was the NBM's partner in Global Money Week 2024. The head of the central bank explained what inflation is, through an interactive game for children.

“Through financial education we want to help children to acquire responsibility and skills necessary in relation to money, to have a proper understanding of its use, as well as of the possibilities offered by the financial environment. We have an obligation to stimulate their interest in order to be able to analyse economic developments in the future, so that they can take financial decisions that are beneficial for their welfare, and stability of their financial situation,” said the Governor of the National Bank, Anca Dragu.

In this regard, financial education ambassadors – pupils and students from all over the Republic of Moldova - were selected and trained to make presentations to their peers, in their educational institutions, on financial concepts and developments.

At the same time, the NBM received visitors in its exhibition hall, as well as at the National Museum of History, where it held presentations on security features, the numismatic exhibition “Old Coins...New Coins...” , as well as public lectures on financial topics held by representatives of the Expert-Grup Independent Think-Tank.

These actions were part of the national campaign “Financial Education for All”, carried out by the NBM in partnership with the Expert-Grup Independent Think-Tank, with the support of the USAID project “Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity”.

The NBM is the national coordinator in the financial education process in the Republic of Moldova, and the institution that reports to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) all financial education activities carried out in our country during the period 18-24 March 2024.

Global Money Week has reached its 12th edition and aims to support children and young people in raising awareness of the importance of financial education, gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to make well-founded personal financial decisions. To date, 176 countries have joined this international initiative.













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