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NBM puts into circulation a new commemorative coin


Starting with May 20, 2022, the National Bank of Moldova puts into circulation, as a means of payment and for numismatic purposes, a commemorative coin dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Mihai Dolgan - composer, instrumentalist, light music performer, founder of the legendary band "Noroc" (1967), leader of the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Contemporanul" (1974), winner of numerous national and international awards, "Merited Artist", "People's Artist", holder of the "Order of the Republic".

The famous composer left an impressive musical treasure: dozens of immortal hits, including "Why do the guitars cry?", "Longing, longing", “An artist sings", "The spring", "Sun", "The Autumns" and so on. Mihai Dolgan's creation is a real artistic phenomenon. The composer educated generations, cultivating their taste for good, refined, modern music. In an interview with the foreign press, Mihai Dolgan said: "Life has brought me to what I am".

"The audience and music professionals appreciated his talent, innovative spirit and extraordinary artistic vision. And the recordings that have become documentaries today, in fact, revive impressions and feelings that are always present in our lives, regardless of generation. We want the commemorative coin dedicated to Mihai Dolgan to reach coin collectors and other consumers of monetary art - as a numismatic value, but also as a call to discover and rediscover the famous musician’s creation", said the NBM Governor, Octavian Armașu, on the occasion of the coin launching.

The silver coin has a face value of 50 lei and a mintage of 500 and will complete the series of coins "Personalities".

The commemorative coin, packed in a transparent methacrylate capsule and presentation box, is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity with a QR code containing information on the coin, signed by the Governor of the National Bank of Moldova.

Commemorative coins issued by the National Bank are sold through licensed banks in the Republic of Moldova.



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