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Moldovan leu marks 30 years since its introduction into circulation


The National Bank of Moldova (NBM) is celebrating the National Currency Day on 29 November 2023. This event commemorates the 30th anniversary since the introduction of the Moldovan leu as a means of payment in the Republic of Moldova.

In his congratulatory message, the NBM Governor, Octavian Armașu, emphasizes that the introduction of the national currency was the first step towards a market economy, the initial economic reforms and the primary expression of an independent monetary policy.

“The Moldovan leu became the national currency of the newly created modern state of the Republic of Moldova shortly after the proclamation of its independence. Since then, it has undergone countless tests of strength, but each time it has managed to maintain and strengthen the confidence of its citizens. The Moldovan leu has established its role as a means of payment enshrined in the Constitution, and the National Bank has the necessary experience to ensure its resilience and maintain a stable and reliable banking sector,” said Octavian Armașu.

In this anniversary year of the Moldovan leu, the NBM is organizing several events, including a trip on the “Road of Money”. This is a financial education event that is very popular with children and young people, as finance has become a topic of great interest for many of them. The journey will start at the central bank and end at commercial banks, giving visitors the opportunity to find out how money circulates, and how it reaches the economy or consumers.

Additionally, the National Bank of Moldova, in cooperation with the National Museum of History of Moldova, is organizing excursions dedicated to the anniversary of the Moldovan leu from 25 to 30 November 2023. On entering the museum, visitors will be given a ticket providing them free access to all the halls, including the “Treasures of the Past” exhibition, which presents gold and silver relics.

The anniversary will culminate in an official ceremony, broadcast live on all NBM communication channels, including the website and social media. The winners of the “Discover the monuments on Moldovan lei banknotes” competition will be announced.

The Moldovan leu was put into circulation on 29 November 1993.

Message from the Governor of the NBM, Octavian Armașu, on the 30th anniversary since the introduction of the Moldovan leu into circulation

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