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    Telefon: +373 22 822 606.

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    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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    Telefon: +373 22 822 607.

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Coins of all times: excursions organised by the National Bank and the National Museum of History of Moldova


Over 250 people came to the excursions organised by the National Bank of Moldova to the National Museum of History, in partnership with this institution, between 25-30 November 2023.

The event took place on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the introduction of the Moldovan leu and focused on the history of the currency from ancient times to the present, along with other aspects of the community development in the local area.

The visitors had the opportunity to see exhibits of impressive archaeological value - ancient Greek coins, Roman and Byzantine coins, Tatar monetary hoards and many other testimonies of life of our ancestors.

The excursionists were able to have a close look at the first coins issued in Moldova, those that were in circulation during the reign of Stephen the Great and other rulers, as well as the coins that circulated widely in Europe, including Moldova. Thus, the exhibits with Dutch thalers were of particular interest to visitors, as it was from them that the name - Leu originated for our national currency, and also for other countries. A rampant lion was engraved on the reverse of the Dutch thalers, which is why these coins were also called "Lion Thalers". The exhibition also brings to the attention of visitors a historical journey of the Moldovan leu, from its creation and introduction to recent editions, with a presentation of commemorative and jubilee coins issued by the National Bank of Moldova.

Upon completion of the excursion, the ticket-card can be kept not only as a souvenir, but also as a mini-guide for understanding the financial subject, materialised by the two printed QR codes with links to useful information provided by the National Bank of Moldova.

The visits to the museum were organised in the context of the 30th anniversary of the Moldovan Leu, put into circulation on 29 November 1993.