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The NBM puts in circulation new commemorative coins



Starting with 23 December 2022, the National Bank of Moldova puts into circulation six commemorative coins as means of payment and for numismatic purposes.

The “Personalities” series is supplemented with a commemorative coin honoring the 350th anniversary of the birth of Ion Neculce – the great Moldavian chronicle and novelist, who made a remarkable contribution to the development of Romanian literature, notably through the work “Letopisețul Țării Moldovei”, which forever enshrined his name in the history and culture of Moldova. The silver coin has a nominal value of 50 lei and a circulation of 250 units.

Another commemorative silver coin will complete the “Historical Events” series being dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the coronation of King Ferdinand I and Queen Maria as sovereigns of Greater Romania - an event of distinguished importance in the history of Romania that took place on 15 October 1922, in Alba Iulia. The coin with the nominal value of 100 lei is issued in a circulation of 300 units.

The series “Holidays, Culture, Traditions of Moldova” is supplemented with a new commemorative silver coin with a nominal value of 50 lei and a circulation of 300 units dedicated to Vernacular Stone Architecture - a style of authentic local architecture, whose social circuit encourages the preservation of ancient traditions and the reconstitution of the national cultural space.     

At the same time, the “Red Book of the Republic of Moldova” series is completed with a silver coin with a nominal value of 50 lei, representing the “Common Rock Thrush (Monticola saxatilis)” - a legally protected bird species included in the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova. The coin has a circulation of 300 units.

The “Childhood Memories” series shall comprise a new silver-plated tombac coin dedicated to the masterpiece “Childhood Memories” – a commendable expression of Ion Creangă’s creative force. The coin has a nominal value of 20 lei and is issued in a circulation of 300 units.

The series of new 2022 commemorative coins is supplemented with the silver coin dedicated to the “Tree of Life” country brand. The symbol represents the continuity and modernization of our country, each branch of the tree suggesting one of the strategic sectors of the economy of the Republic of Moldova. The coin with a nominal value of 50 lei will have a circulation of 1500 units.

The commemorative coins are packed in transparent methacrylate capsules, which are put either in care packages or leaflets (as for the “Childhood Memories” commemorative coin), being accompanied by certificates of authenticity with a QR code, where information about them is stored. Certificates of authenticity are signed by the Governor of the National Bank of Moldova.

Commemorative coins are traded to the general public through licensed banks in the Republic of Moldova.


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